"Γιατί τα μαλλιά μου είναι λιπαρά και πώς μπορώ να εξισορροπήσω την λιπαρότητα;" Αιτίες και τρόποι για να το αντιμετωπίσετε
“I wash my hair every day because it becomes excessively oily.” This phrase is probably familiar to you, whether you’ve heard it from someone or said it yourself. Oily hair is a natural phenomenon for everyone. However, when oiliness becomes excessive, making us feel that no matter how frequently we wash, our hair quickly turns […]
4 Tips για να αποκτήσεις υγιή και λαμπερά μαλλιά
Rich, shiny and healthy hair are a goal all of us have. Either you want to grow your hair or help them become stronger and healthier, the secret lies in small daily habits. It is true that some people are born “luckier” with regards to this subject. But the genetic factor is certainly not determinant […]