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Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mommies out there!

Mother. A word that encapsulates thousands of emotions. A figure that from when we were kids until we reach old, will be the most precious thing that ever existed in the world. A word that we unconsciously say whenever we need something – for the most trivial to the most important things in our lives.

She is the person who brings us into life (or not), raises us with all the love and affection in the world, and makes sure she is always by our side, every step of the way, to provide us with everything we need, and all of this with absolute selflessness.

If we think of how many times she has been by our side when we fell and reached out her hand to pick us up, how many times she has believed in us when we did not believe in ourselves, how many times she has put our happiness first, setting aside her own, then perhaps we can realize how much love and caring can fit into that word.

Therefore, we should show her how much she means to us every day and try to return some of the love she has generously given us over the years. On Mother’s Day, which has been established to celebrate all the mothers of the world, is the perfect opportunity to show her even more love and express a huge “thank you”.

On this day, be sure to hug your mums a little tighter, say “I love you” and “thank you” and show them everything they mean to you in the way you know how.

We want to celebrate Mother’s Day with you therefore, we have prepared a unique offer to show your love by offering them a gift. So, with every order of €50 and above, we will give a 5ml CP Glow Serum, worth €15, for free! The offer is valid from 12 of May until 14th of May or until stock lasts.

Starting from today, let’s make a pledge to express your love and gratitude every day and hug your loved ones more often. Don’t neglect to show them how important they are to you, because the years go by and all we have are our moments!

From us, Happy Birthday to all the mommies out there! Be strong and happy and continue to beautify our world as you only know how!

With love,

CP Herbalist team

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