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Acne on the back: What causes it and how to treat it!

We all know about acne on the face which is usually the most common place in which the specific skin issue appears. But there is another part of the body that it often appears and as soon as temperature rises, it tends to worsen. It is an acne that appears on the back and a lot of times it makes us feel uncomfortable, especially during the summer months when we wear less covering clothes. Of course there is nothing to be ashamed of! It’s a skin issue which is caused due to some factors that we will learn below and of course it can be treated.

What are the reasons why acne appears on our back?

There are different factors that can cause acne on the back and most of them are common with the acne that appears on the face. Below are some basic factors:

  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal factors – During adolescence but also later on when women in particular menstruate or are pregnant, but also in general when they experience changes in their hormone levels.
  • Taking medication – It could be a side effect of a medication you may be taking.
  • Oiliness – Just like on the face, oiliness is one of the main factors that cause acne since it clogs the pores.
  • Sweat – That’s how the summer flare-up of acne is explained, since we tend to sweat more and therefore our skin clogs from sweat.
  • Stress – It is not a direct cause of acne, but it is certainly considered a contributing factor to its appearance.

How does back acne look like?

It has similar look with the face acne. Essentially its characteristics are the black and white spots, cysts reminiscent of cystic acne, red pimples and oiliness.

It is important to treat the acne immediately, so that it does not worsen and if possible, before it becomes cystic. If the condition worsens without proper treatment, it will most likely leave scars on the skin.

To be able to properly treat this specific skin issue, there are there are a few things that we should keep in mind and should watch out for.

Tips to treat back acne:

#1 Every time you sweat either from exercising or from the heat, make sure to spray your back with our CP Facial Spray, take a shower and cleanse well your skin.

#2 When you exercise, choose comfortable and loose clothes and not tight and suffocating fabrics that don’t let your skin breathe and “trap” the sweat.

#3 Increased skin friction in the back area can cause acne. Therefore, in addition to tight clothing, backpacks and possibly other daily habits that cause friction, is best to be avoided.

#4 The sun is not good for acne. Make sure to not stay under the sun for a lot of hours and of course under no circumstance forget your sunscreen.

#5 Make sure the sunscreen you’ll choose is non – comedogenic, such as the Skin Loving Suncream. This essentially means that the product contains ingredients that do not clog pores and therefore do not cause or worsen acne, but instead prevent it.

#6 The products we recommend using for treating back acne, are the Exfoliating Body Gel Wash that removes dull, dry skin, deeply hydrates and calms the skin. It also helps the blood circulation and has natural antiseptic, cleansing and detoxifying capacities.

Moreover, we recommend that you use the Toning Cleansing Gel which is a natural antiseptic with powerful antioxidants and provides deep cleansing while leaving the skin with a sense of rejuvenation and freshness. Simultaneously, you can try the Firming Body Oil that has a protective character, since it locks moisture to the skin, encourages blood circulation and helps in restoring skin elasticity.

If you have any questions about which products are suitable for you, don’t hesitate to contact us so we can guide you!

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